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Lässt man sich nun seinen Gewinn in Höhe von bspw. 20.000 € auf einmal auszahlen, ist man dazu verpflichtet, der Bundesbank Auskunft über die Einnahmequelle zu geben. In der Praxis bedeutet das, dass man sich selbst ein Formular besorgen, ausfüllen und zur Bundesbank schicken muss. Am einfachsten ist es, wenn man sich in diesem Fall an den Berater seiner Bank wendet, welcher die entsprechenden Formulare in der Regel bereithält.
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You earn R40 000 per month. You decide to invest R5 000 into a retirement annuity. SARS will not tax you on the R40 000. Instead, you only pay tax on R35 000. The contribution you made to the retirement annuity reduces your taxable income. And you pay less tax.
If you are employed and receive a travel allowance from your employer, you are able reduce your taxable income by claiming a tax deduction for the fuel you bought and maintenance costs. This quick “Travel tax deduction calculator” calculator shows you how much you can claim.
You earn R40 000 per month. You decide to invest R5 000 into a retirement annuity. SARS will not tax you on the R40 000. Instead, you only pay tax on R35 000. The contribution you made to the retirement annuity reduces your taxable income. And you pay less tax.
If you are employed and receive a travel allowance from your employer, you are able reduce your taxable income by claiming a tax deduction for the fuel you bought and maintenance costs. This quick “Travel tax deduction calculator” calculator shows you how much you can claim.
Just how much tax could you save in taxes by maximizing your retirement annuity contributions? SARS allows you to invest up to 27.5% of your income (capped at R350,000 per year) and deduct it from your taxable income. This table shows the maximum tax savings you can achieve for different income levels .
Why? Contributions to retirement annuities are tax deductible. That means that the amount of money you contribute to your retirement annuity reduces your taxable income. As a result, you pay less tax.
Very interesting interview, well done both. Melonath Falls cries out „this map represents a battleground“ in the same way the lairs in G1 to G3 do. An unskilled party is going to get ambushed and attacked from multiple directions. Settembrini, you can pick up JB’s Hell’s Own Temple directly from his B/X Blackrazor site whilst we are waiting for No Artpunk volume 2. I think a play from those skilled in handling high level characters would be illuminating: JB has not nerfed any PC abilities, relying on the power and special attacks of the devils to challenge them; I suspect the 2 fire giants need reinforcement to 4 (or even 6). High level adventures are harder to judge from just a read through, as experienced parties will have clever combinations, making use of precast spells and magic items. If your group does attempt the module, a playtest report is expected!
But most quibbles aside (I have a few) I found the it to be quite thoughtful…and amusing/entertaining…discourse. I’ve listened to the whole podcast twice now, and found at least a couple of your insights to be quite intriguing.
We talk about playing vs. writing, online stalkers, the quest for originality, Patrick’s relation to art and the double problems of commercialization & commodification in the DIY scene. Among that: several questions by the hosts (hasran & Settembrini) on Patrick’s previous published work (mostly Silent Titans, DCO and Maze of the Blue Medusa) and of course, the newest project: Broken Fire Regime and how its Para-Cosm relates to the wider Stuartverse.
Very interesting interview, well done both. Melonath Falls cries out „this map represents a battleground“ in the same way the lairs in G1 to G3 do. An unskilled party is going to get ambushed and attacked from multiple directions. Settembrini, you can pick up JB’s Hell’s Own Temple directly from his B/X Blackrazor site whilst we are waiting for No Artpunk volume 2. I think a play from those skilled in handling high level characters would be illuminating: JB has not nerfed any PC abilities, relying on the power and special attacks of the devils to challenge them; I suspect the 2 fire giants need reinforcement to 4 (or even 6). High level adventures are harder to judge from just a read through, as experienced parties will have clever combinations, making use of precast spells and magic items. If your group does attempt the module, a playtest report is expected!
But most quibbles aside (I have a few) I found the it to be quite thoughtful…and amusing/entertaining…discourse. I’ve listened to the whole podcast twice now, and found at least a couple of your insights to be quite intriguing.
We talk about playing vs. writing, online stalkers, the quest for originality, Patrick’s relation to art and the double problems of commercialization & commodification in the DIY scene. Among that: several questions by the hosts (hasran & Settembrini) on Patrick’s previous published work (mostly Silent Titans, DCO and Maze of the Blue Medusa) and of course, the newest project: Broken Fire Regime and how its Para-Cosm relates to the wider Stuartverse.