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Одна из основных причин возрастных изменений — распад коллагена и потеря эластичности. Эти процессы имеют накопительный эффект и неминуемо повреждают кожу, оставляя на ней следы — так проявляется старение. Но все индивидуально. Например, на сухой коже быстро появляются мелкие морщинки, а жирная кожа остается гладкой, но теряет эластичность, отчего расширяются поры, теряют четкость контуры лица.

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“When providing CPD for teachers, I am regularly asked to recommend a practical computer program that would contribute to the development and progression of children’s spelling ability. Spellings for Me has long been overdue and as an Irish production, it ticks all the boxes for what teachers require of such a program. The teachers’ manual, which accompanies the program, clearly explains how to set up and activate the program. Ascertaining the child’s automatic spellings ability level is achieved through various tests. Dictation exercises and differentiation are integral parts of the programme. Self-correction is encouraged and any errors/miscues are placed in a “learning words” folder. When these words do become part of the child’s automatic spelling vocabulary they are placed in a “mastered words” folder. Opportunity for revising these “mastered words” is central to the whole program. Emma and Patrick, both young teachers, are to be commended for this innovative program, which will have a huge effect on children’s spellings development both in the classroom and in the home”.

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An English medium, private, unaided co-educational school affiliated to CBSE, run and managed by Hariyana Sewa Sadan Trust ( a charitable Society) which was established in 1992. The school has two parallel shifts from LKG to XII in the morning and in the day. It offers Science, Commerce and Humanities streams at the Senior Secondary level. We focus on holistic education for the all round development of the student, foster creativity, uphold Indian culture and traditions and at the same time aim to create responsible Indian Citizens of the future with a modern outlook and strong sense of purpose.

Spellings for Me currently offers school subscriptions only. If your child’s school already uses Spellings for Me, click here to download a Parental Guide on how to support your child using this programme.

“I want to sincerely thank you for developing this programme. My daughter has dyslexia, so spelling tests were a weekly stressor that highlighted her weaknesses and eroded her confidence. I am so happy that our school has embraced this programme. While it is important that this will optimise learning for every child across all levels of spelling ability – I want to emphasise the psychological benefits for the 1 in 10 children with dyslexia – this programme removes the stress of ‘failure’ and comparison with peers – which can erode self esteem. The look of relief on my child’s face when she learned that this programme was to replace the weekly spelling test was priceless… As parents we are extremely grateful”.

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