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Alcoholic Ketoacidosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

alcoholic ketoacidosis recovery time

This is why diagnosis and subsequent treatment can sometimes be challenging, but it’s crucial to receive a proper and timely diagnosis to obtain the correct treatment. People who consume a lot of alcohol during one occasion often vomit repeatedly and stop eating. If the vomiting and starvation go on for a day or more, the liver’s normal stores of sugar (glucose) decrease.

History and Physical

Antiemetics may also be given to the patient to help with nausea and/or vomiting. People with this condition are usually admitted to the hospital, often to the intensive care unit (ICU). If indicated, provide follow-up with AKA patients to assess the problem of alcohol abuse.

alcoholic ketoacidosis recovery time

Metabolic acidosis in the alcoholic: a pathophysiologic approach

  • How severe the alcohol use is, and the presence of liver disease or other problems, may also affect the outlook.
  • Antiemetics may also be given to the patient to help with nausea and/or vomiting.
  • Ketones provide some energy to cells but also make the blood too acidic (ketoacidosis).
  • Healthcare professionals diagnose AKA through a combination of clinical evaluation and specific laboratory tests.

If your doctor suspects that you’ve developed this condition, they may order additional tests to rule out other possible conditions. Diagnosis typically involves laboratory tests, including arterial blood gas (ABG) measurement and serum chemistry assays, to confirm the presence of ketones and the degree of acidosis. Patients with AKA require prompt medical attention to address the underlying metabolic disturbances and prevent further complications. This condition is characterized by the presence of high levels of ketones in the blood, which are acidic by-products of fat metabolism.

Symptoms of Alcoholic Ketoacidosis

alcoholic ketoacidosis recovery time

AKA develops due to the body’s inability to source adequate glucose, leading it to metabolize fat into ketones for energy. Elevated levels of these ketones lead to a high anion gap metabolic acidosis, a state where the blood becomes too acidic. Breathing tends to become deep and rapid as the body attempts to correct the blood’s acidity. Similar symptoms in a person with alcohol use disorder may result from acute pancreatitis, methanol (wood alcohol) or ethylene glycol (antifreeze) poisoning or diabetic ketoacidosis. The doctor must exclude these other causes before diagnosing alcoholic ketoacidosis. A person who isn’t eating properly and getting the nutrition the body needs from food because they’re drinking  heavy amounts of alcohol instead, starts to get a buildup of excessive amounts of ketones in the body.


This IV solution halts ketogenesis, stimulates insulin production, and increases glycogen stores. Diagnosis of AKA requires a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s medical history, physical examination, and specific laboratory tests. How severe the alcohol use is, and the presence of liver disease or other problems, may also affect the outlook. Exclude other causes of autonomic hyperactivity and altered mental status. If the diagnosis of alcohol withdrawal syndrome is established, consider the judicious use of benzodiazepines, which should be titrated to clinical response. Intravenous benzodiazepines can be administered based on the risk of seizures from impending alcohol withdrawal.

What are the complications of alcoholic ketoacidosis?

alcoholic ketoacidosis recovery time

Alcoholic ketoacidosis is attributed to the combined effects of alcohol and starvation on glucose metabolism. They provide some energy to your cells, but too much may cause your blood to become too acidic. This drop in blood sugar causes your body to decrease the amount of insulin it produces.

Treatment / Management

  • Intravenous benzodiazepines can be administered based on the risk of seizures from impending alcohol withdrawal.
  • Since AKA often develops in the context of heavy alcohol use combined with poor dietary habits, addressing these areas is crucial for both recovery and prevention of recurrence.
  • If you develop any of these symptoms, seek emergency medical attention.
  • Typical characteristics of the latter may include rhinophyma, tremulousness, hepatosplenomegaly, peripheral neuropathy, gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, and palmar erythema.

Your cells need insulin to use the glucose in your blood for energy. If they can’t use glucose because there’s not enough insulin, your body switches to another method to get alcoholic ketoacidosis smell energy — breaking down fat cells. Efficient and timely management can lead to enhanced patient outcomes in patients with AKA.


During physical examination, healthcare professionals look for signs that are consistent with AKA, such as signs of dehydration and an alcoholic odor on the breath. The patient’s recent nutritional intake, particularly a history of poor oral intake or fasting, is also considered, as AKA often occurs after a period of relative starvation. Persistent vomiting and abdominal pain are common complaints that may be reported by the patient. Additionally, clinicians assess for symptoms like agitation, confusion, and decreased alertness, which may indicate severe acidosis. In the emergency department (ED), where AKA is frequently managed, patients often present with a history of alcohol use, whether acute or chronic, accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The diagnosis of AKA is primarily based on the history of alcohol consumption and clinical findings indicative of ketoacidosis without significant hyperglycemia.

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